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Ever thought about a world where your fridge tells you when you’re running low on milk? Or your watch tracks your heart rate and gives you health tips? Welcome to the Internet of Things (IoT), where everyday objects become smart and connect to the internet to make your life easier.

What’s IoT All About?

IoT is like giving everyday objects a voice. It’s all about connecting things like your phone, your car, your home appliances – you name it – to the internet. These things have sensors, software, and other tech that let them share data and communicate with each other. So, instead of just being “dumb” objects, they become smart and can do cool stuff.

How Did We Get Here?

The idea of IoT isn’t new. It’s been brewing since the 1980s when some clever folks at Carnegie Mellon University hooked up a vending machine to the internet. But things really took off in the 2000s with better tech and more internet access. Now, IoT is everywhere, from your smartwatch to your smart home speaker.

But the real boom happened in the past decade. In 2010, there were around 12.5 billion connected devices worldwide. Fast forward to 2020, and that number skyrocketed to over 50 billion, according to estimates by IoT Analytics. That’s an impressive fourfold increase in just a decade! And it’s showing no signs of slowing down. By 2030, experts predict there will be over 125 billion connected devices globally, revolutionizing industries and transforming the way we live and work.

This explosion of IoT devices has been driven by advancements in technology, such as the miniaturization of sensors, the proliferation of low-power connectivity options like Bluetooth and Wi-Fi, and the advent of cloud computing and big data analytics. These technologies have made it cheaper and easier than ever to connect devices to the internet and collect and analyze data in real-time, unlocking new possibilities for innovation and efficiency.

But it’s not just about the tech – it’s also about the demand for connected experiences from consumers and businesses alike. People want convenience, efficiency, and personalization in everything they do, whether it’s controlling their home’s temperature from their smartphone or tracking their fitness goals with a wearable device. And businesses are eager to tap into the wealth of data generated by IoT devices to gain insights into customer behavior, optimize operations, and drive growth.

Cool Stuff Happening Now

IoT isn’t just a buzzword – it’s changing the way we live. In your home, you’ve got smart gadgets like thermostats that learn your habits and adjust the temperature to save energy. In healthcare, you’ve got wearables that track your steps, monitor your heart rate, and even detect if you’re having a health issue. And in cities, you’ve got smart traffic lights that adjust based on traffic flow, making your commute smoother.

But it’s not all smooth sailing for IoT. There are challenges, like security concerns – because with all this data flying around, there’s a risk of hackers getting in. Then there’s the problem of different devices not speaking the same language, which makes it hard for them to work together. And let’s not forget about privacy – with all these gadgets collecting data, who’s making sure it’s being used responsibly?

What’s Next?

Despite the challenges, the future of IoT looks bright. Think AI and machine learning making your gadgets even smarter. Imagine your smart fridge knowing your food preferences and suggesting recipes. Or your car navigating traffic on its own. Plus, there’s talk of using blockchain tech to make IoT even more secure and trustworthy.

So, how does all this IoT stuff affect you? Well, imagine waking up to a house that’s already warmed up to your preferred temperature. Or getting a notification on your phone that your elderly parent’s heart rate is a bit high, so you can check in on them. It’s all about making your life easier and more connected.

Real-Life Examples

There are already tons of cool examples of IoT in action. Take Amazon’s Alexa – it’s like having a personal assistant in your home, ready to answer questions, play music, or even order groceries for you. And in healthcare, there are devices like Medtronic’s Guardian Connect, which helps diabetes patients manage their blood sugar levels remotely.

But IoT isn’t just about gadgets – it’s also making industries more efficient and sustainable. Take the agriculture sector, for example. IoT-enabled precision farming techniques are helping farmers increase crop yields while minimizing water and pesticide usage. According to a report by MarketsandMarkets, the precision agriculture market is expected to reach $12.9 billion by 2025, driven by the adoption of IoT technologies.

And in manufacturing, IoT is revolutionizing the way factories operate. By connecting machines and equipment to the internet, manufacturers can monitor performance in real-time, predict maintenance needs, and optimize production schedules. This shift towards smart manufacturing, also known as Industry 4.0, is projected to generate $1.5 trillion in value globally by 2025, according to McKinsey & Company.

Ethical Stuff to Think About

But as we dive deeper into the world of IoT, we need to think about the ethical side of things. Like, who owns the data collected by these devices? And how can we make sure it’s being used responsibly? It’s important to set clear rules and regulations to protect people’s privacy and ensure that IoT is used for good.

Wrapping Up

In a nutshell, IoT is all about making everyday objects smarter and more connected. From your home to your car to your health, IoT is changing the way we live, work, and play. And while there are challenges ahead, the future looks bright – as long as we use this tech responsibly.

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Trends and Predictions from Our IT Software Development Experts https://www.opensourcerails.com/trends-and-predictions-from-our-it-software-development-experts/ Mon, 25 Sep 2023 13:47:25 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=147 In the fast-paced world of IT and software development, staying ahead of the curve is essential. As technology evolves at an unprecedented rate, it’s crucial to anticipate trends and innovations that will shape the industry in the coming months and years. To gain valuable insights, we turned to our team of IT software development experts […]

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In the fast-paced world of IT and software development, staying ahead of the curve is essential. As technology evolves at an unprecedented rate, it’s crucial to anticipate trends and innovations that will shape the industry in the coming months and years. To gain valuable insights, we turned to our team of IT software development experts for their thoughts on the future of the field. In this article, we’ll explore their predictions and the emerging trends that are set to transform the IT and software development landscape.

The Rapid Evolution of IT and Software Development

The world of IT and software development is in a constant state of evolution. New tools, methodologies, and technologies emerge regularly, driving progress and reshaping the industry. Here are some overarching trends our experts have identified:

1. Continued Growth of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML)

AI and ML have been at the forefront of technological advancements in recent years, and this trend is expected to continue. Our experts predict that AI and ML will be increasingly integrated into various software solutions, improving automation, data analysis, and decision-making processes.

2. Cloud Computing Dominance

Cloud computing has revolutionized the IT industry, providing scalability, flexibility, and cost-efficiency. Our experts foresee further growth in cloud adoption, with a focus on multi-cloud strategies, serverless computing, and edge computing to meet evolving business needs.

3. DevOps and Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)

DevOps practices and CI/CD pipelines have become essential for software development teams. This trend will persist, with an emphasis on automating testing, deployment, and monitoring to accelerate development cycles and enhance software quality.

4. Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

As cyber threats continue to evolve, our experts emphasize the growing importance of cybersecurity and data privacy. They predict increased investment in security measures, including robust encryption, threat detection, and compliance with data protection regulations.

5. Low-Code and No-Code Development

Low-code and no-code development platforms are empowering businesses to create software solutions with minimal coding expertise. Our experts anticipate greater adoption of these platforms, enabling rapid application development and innovation.

Specific Predictions from Our Experts

While these overarching trends are shaping the industry, our experts also provided specific predictions that offer deeper insights into the future of IT and software development:

1. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR) Integration

Our experts foresee the integration of AR and VR into various software applications, ranging from immersive training simulations to enhanced customer experiences in e-commerce and entertainment. This technology will continue to blur the lines between physical and digital worlds.

2.Quantum Comрuting Advancements

Quantum cоmputing, although in its infаncy, hоlds immеnsе pоtential fоr solving complex problems аt unpreсedented speeds. Our exрerts prediсt breakthroughs in quаntum cоmputing thаt will impaсt industries likе cryptogrаphy, lоgistics, аnd mаterials sсienсe.

3. Edgе Comрuting fоr Real-Тime Procеssing As IoT devices сontinue to proliferаte, our exрerts believe thаt edge cоmputing will beсome intеgral fоr processing dаta locаlly, rеducing lаtency, аnd enаbling real-time dеcision-making. Тhis is especiаlly important in seсtors likе autonomous vehicles аnd heаlthcаre.

4. Вlockchain Bеyond Cryptoсurrenсy

While bloсkсhain tеchnology gаined prominence through cryptocurrеnciеs, our exрerts anticipаte its broader аdoption in seсtors such as supply chain mаnаgement, heаlthcаre, аnd voting systems. Вlockchain’s trаnspаrent аnd secure ledger capabilitiеs will transfоrm vаrious industries.

5. Sustainablе Sоftware Develоpment

Our exрerts highlight the increasing importаnce of sustainability in software development. They prediсt a shift towаrd eco-friendly prаctices, including оptimizing cоde fоr energy efficiency аnd rеducing the carbоn footрrint of dаta сenters.

6. Enhanсed User Exрerience through Nаtural Lаnguаge Procеssing (NLP) Nаtural Lаnguаge Procеssing will сontinue to improve user experiences by enаbling more sophisticаted chаtbots, virtual assistants, аnd voice-activаted interfaсes. Our exрerts еxpеct NLP to beсome a stаndard feаture in vаrious software applicаtions.

7. Pеrsonalizеd Mediсine аnd Нealthcare Solutions

In the heаlthcаre sector, our exрerts anticipаte advancements in personаlized medicine, еnablеd by AI-driven dаta analysis. Тailored treаtment plans аnd prediсtive heаlthcаre models will beсome more рrevalent, improving pаtient outсomes.

8. Collaboration Tools and Remote Work

The remote work trend, accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic, is here to stay. Our experts predict ongoing development of collaboration tools, augmented reality workspaces, and secure remote access solutions to support distributed teams.

Preparing for the Future

As thеsе trеnds аnd рredictions illustrаte, the IТ аnd sоftwаrе dеvеlopmеnt lаndscарe is evolving rарidly. Businesses аnd prоfеssionаls must аdаpt to stаy competitive аnd hаrness the opportunitiеs рresented by еmеrging technologies. Here аre some strаtеgiеs for рreраring for the future:

Continuous Leаrning аnd Skill Development

1.Stаying uрdаted with the lаtest technologies аnd methodologies is essentiаl. Invest in continuous leаrning аnd skill dеvеlopmеnt to rеmаin relevаnt in the industry.

2. Еmbrаce Agilе аnd DevОps Prасtiсes Agilе аnd DevОps methodologies enаble fаster dеvеlopmеnt cyclеs аnd improved sоftwаrе quаlity. Еmbrаce thеsе prаctices to enhаnce efficiency аnd collаborаtion within your dеvеlopmеnt teаms.

3. Prioritize Seсurity аnd Compliаnce In аn erа оf increаsing сyber threаts аnd dаtа privаcy regulаtiоns, prioritizе seсurity аnd сompliаnсe in your sоftwаrе dеvеlopmеnt рrocesses.

4. Explоre Emеrging Тechnologies Keeр аn еyе on еmеrging technologies like AI, bloсkсhаin, аnd quаntum comрuting. Understаnd their potentiаl аррlicаtions аnd how they cаn bеnеfit your businеss or projects.

5. Foster а Culture оf Innоvаtiоn Encourаge а culturе оf innovаtion within your orgаnizаtion. Suppоrt experimentаtion аnd creаtive prоblem-sоlving to stаy аt the forefront оf industry dеvеlopmеnts.

In summаry the IТ аnd sоftwаrе dеvеlopmеnt industry is undеrgoing а rаpid trаnsformаtion drivеn by technologicаl аdvаncements аnd chаnging businеss needs. By stаying informed, аdаpting to еmеrging trеnds, аnd fostering а culturе оf innovаtion, businеsses аnd prоfеssionаls cаn thrive in this dynаmic lаndscарe аnd cоntribute to shаping the future оf IТ аnd sоftwаrе dеvеlopmеnt.

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Blockchain Cosmos: getting to know its features and prospects https://www.opensourcerails.com/blockchain-cosmos-getting-to-know-its-features-and-prospects/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/blockchain-cosmos-getting-to-know-its-features-and-prospects/#respond Tue, 23 Aug 2022 12:18:25 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=129 Blockchain Cosmos is a public, decentralized platform that facilitates the development of distributed applications (DApps) and smart contracts. It is powered by the Tendermint Core consensus engine and utilizes a hub-and-spoke model to connect different blockchains. The native cryptocurrency of the Blockchain Cosmos platform is ATOM. Cosmos features The main features of Blockchain Cosmos are […]

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Blockchain Cosmos is a public, decentralized platform that facilitates the development of distributed applications (DApps) and smart contracts. It is powered by the Tendermint Core consensus engine and utilizes a hub-and-spoke model to connect different blockchains. The native cryptocurrency of the Blockchain Cosmos platform is ATOM.

Cosmos features

The main features of Blockchain Cosmos are its scalability and security. The scalability of the platform comes from its use of multiple chains, which means that more transactions can be processed simultaneously. The security is provided by the BFT consensus algorithm, which makes it difficult for attackers to tamper with data or take over the network.

In addition to its technical features, Blockchain Cosmos also has a strong community behind it. Cosmos blockchain development is backed by some of the biggest names in the cryptocurrency world, including Binance, OKEx, and Huobi.

The native token of Blockchain Cosmos is ATOM. ATOM is used to pay for transaction fees on the platform and can also be staked to earn rewards.

Blockchain Cosmos is one of the most ambitious projects in the cryptocurrency space. If it succeeds, it could provide a major boost to the adoption of blockchain technology.

The project is still in its early stages, but it has the potential to change the way we use blockchain technology.

To sum up, the main characteristics of Cosmos are:

ATOM: The native token of Blockchain Cosmos is ATOM. ATOM is used to pay for transaction fees on the platform and can also be staked to earn rewards.

Tendermint Core: Tendermint Core is the heart of the Cosmos network. It is a high-performance byzantine fault tolerant consensus engine that can handle thousands of transactions per second.

SDKs: The Cosmos SDK enables developers to build custom blockchains on top of the Cosmos Network. The SDK is modular and scalable, making it easy to create new blockchains.

IBC: Interchain Bussiness Communication (IBC) is a protocol that allows different blockchains to communicate with each other. This makes it possible to build a network of blockchains, where each blockchain can retain its own features and governance.

Benefits and drawbacks of the Cosmos blockchain

Cosmos blockchain is a new and developing platform, so, naturally, of has its share of pros and cons.

The benefits of the Cosmos blockchain are:

Cosmos is scalable: The Cosmos network can handle thousands of transactions per second. This is possible due to the use of the Tendermint consensus engine and the IBC protocol.

Cosmos is modular: The Cosmos SDK enables developers to create custom blockchains that are tailored to their specific needs.

Cosmos is interoperable: The IBC protocol allows different blockchains to communicate with each other, making it possible to build a network of blockchains.

The drawbacks of Cosmos blockchain:

-The main drawback of the Cosmos blockchain is that it is not yet widely adopted. However, this is likely to change as more businesses and developers learn about the benefits of the platform.

-Another drawback is that the Cosmos SDK is still in early development and there are not many tutorials or resources available for those who want to learn how to use it. However, this is likely to change as the platform grows in popularity.

Overall, the Cosmos blockchain is a promising platform that has the potential to revolutionize the way blockchains interact with each other. However, it is still in early stages of development and adoption.

What is the future of blockchain Cosmos?

The future of blockchain Cosmos looks bright as it aims to solve some of the major problems that are plaguing the industry today. With its innovative technology, Cosmos has the potential to become the standard for interoperability between blockchains.

Prospects of Cosmos blockchain are also high because it is being developed by some of the most experienced professionals in the industry. The team behind this project includes early Ethereum investors, engineers from Google and Facebook, and Advisors who have worked with major organizations like the IMF. With such a strong team backing it, Cosmos is likely to achieve its goals and become a leading player in the blockchain space.

Investors who are looking for long-term growth potential in the cryptocurrency market should keep an eye on Cosmos. The project has a strong team, a solid roadmap, and is backed by some of the most influential organizations in the space. If Cosmos can deliver on its promises, it has the potential to become one of the most important projects in the blockchain industry.

How to buy blockchain Cosmos?

The easiest way to buy blockchain Cosmos is through a cryptocurrency exchange. Some of the popular exchanges that offer trading in Cosmos include Binance, Huobi, and Kraken. You can also buy Cosmos through a decentralized exchange such as AtomicDEX.

Once you have bought your Cosmos tokens, you can store them in a wallet that supports the coin. Some of the popular wallets for storing Cosmos include Ledger Nano S, Trezor Model T, and Exodus.


The Cosmos project has a lot of potential due to its experienced team and partners, as well as its focus on interoperability between blockchains. The coin is also gaining adoption among businesses and developers, which is a positive sign for its long-term growth prospects.

If you’re looking for a cryptocurrency with high upside potential, Cosmos should be on your radar. Keep an eye on the project’s progress and watch for developments that could drive adoption and price growth.

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How can a developer handle a project alone. Tips from an expert https://www.opensourcerails.com/how-can-a-developer-handle-a-project-alone-tips-from-an-expert/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/how-can-a-developer-handle-a-project-alone-tips-from-an-expert/#respond Mon, 11 Jul 2022 14:13:09 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=131 How can a developer handle a project alone – experience and tips from an expert You may be a great developer, but that doesn’t mean you’re great at project management. In fact, many developers struggle when it comes to managing their own projects. If you’re working on a project alone, it can be even more […]

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How can a developer handle a project alone – experience and tips from an expert

You may be a great developer, but that doesn’t mean you’re great at project management. In fact, many developers struggle when it comes to managing their own projects. If you’re working on a project alone, it can be even more challenging to keep everything organized and on track.

The best tips to handle the project on your own

Fortunately, there are some things you can do to make solo project management easier. Here are a few tips from an expert:

1. Set clear goals from the start

When you’re working on a project by yourself, it’s important to have clear goals in mind. Otherwise, it will be difficult to stay focused and on track. Before starting work on your project, sit down and think about what you want to achieve. Make sure your goals are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

2. Create a detailed plan

Once you know what your goals are, it’s time to create a detailed plan of action. This will help you stay organized and efficient as you work on your project. Start by making a list of all the tasks you need to complete. Then, break each task down into smaller steps. Finally, assign deadlines to each task.

3. Stay organized and keep track of your progress

When you’re working on a project alone, it’s important to stay organized and keep track of your progress. Otherwise, it will be easy to get overwhelmed or lost in the details. One way to stay organized is to create a project management system. This can be as simple as creating a folder for your project files and keeping a notebook for tracking your progress. Another helpful tip is to set regular check-ins with yourself (e.g., once per week) to review your progress and make any necessary adjustments to your plan.

4. Be flexible and adjust your plans as needed

No matter how well you plan, there will always be unexpected bumps in the road. Rather than getting frustrated, try to be flexible and adjust your plans as needed. For example, if you’re working on a writing project and you get stuck, take a break and come back to it later with fresh eyes. Or, if you’re working on a research project and you can’t find the information you need, reach out to a librarian or expert in your field for help.

5. Celebrate your accomplishments

Remember to celebrate your accomplishments, no matter how small they may be. Completing a task, meeting a goal, or finishing a project is something to be proud of! And don’t forget to reward yourself for a job well done—after all, you deserve it!

6. Stay positive

It’s important to stay positive throughout the creative process. If you’re feeling stuck, frustrated, or down, try to maintain a positive outlook. Remind yourself that you’re capable of tackling any challenge and that there’s no such thing as failure, only feedback. With a positive attitude, anything is possible!

7. Get inspired

When you need a little boost of inspiration, there are plenty of resources available to help get your creative juices flowing. Try listening to music, reading a book, or taking a walk in nature. You can also explore websites like Pinterest or Behance for visual inspiration.

8. Take breaks

Make sure to take breaks throughout the day to rest your mind and body. Taking breaks will help you stay focused and avoid burnout. When you’re feeling overwhelmed, try taking a few deep breaths or meditating for a few minutes.

9. Find a support system

Having a supportive network of friends and family can make all the difference when you’re trying to achieve your goals. When you’re feeling motivated, they can help keep you on track. And when you’re struggling, they can offer encouragement and advice.

10. Reward yourself

Whenever you reach a milestone, no matter how small, be sure to give yourself a pat on the back. Celebrate your successes, big or small, and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing that you’re one step closer to achieving your dreams!

What are the pros and cons of developing a project alone?

There are several advantages to working on a project alone. First, you have complete control over the project and can decide what direction it takes. Second, you don’t have to worry about other people’s opinions or input, which can be helpful when trying to stay focused. Third, you can work at your own pace and take breaks as needed without having to coordinate with others. Finally, you can celebrate your accomplishments without having to share the credit.

Of course, there are also some disadvantages to working on a project alone. First, it can be difficult to stay motivated without the support of others. Second, you may run into problems that are difficult to solve without help. Third, you may miss out on the opportunity to learn from others or get feedback on your work. Finally, you may feel isolated from the rest of the world and like you’re not really part of a team.


Working on a project by yourself can have both advantages and disadvantages. It’s important to weigh these factors carefully before deciding whether or not to work alone. If you do decide to work on a project alone, make sure you have a solid plan in place to help you stay motivated and on track.

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How Much Does It Cost to Design a Website for a Small Business https://www.opensourcerails.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-design-a-website-for-a-small-business/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/how-much-does-it-cost-to-design-a-website-for-a-small-business/#respond Mon, 09 May 2022 09:55:15 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=121 In the minds of modern customers, interacting with a company via its website has long become a well-established and expected practice. This is one of the top tools to attract and retain customers, improve your brand awareness and streamline sales. However, 28% of small companies globally still don’t have a website but if your business […]

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In the minds of modern customers, interacting with a company via its website has long become a well-established and expected practice. This is one of the top tools to attract and retain customers, improve your brand awareness and streamline sales. However, 28% of small companies globally still don’t have a website but if your business is also among them, now is the right time to get started with your online presence development.

In this article, we will dwell on the most cost-effective ways to build a website for a small business, comparing the opportunities and costs. 

3-Types Website Classification and Cost-Dependency

The website design and redesign costs for a small business largely depend on the specifics of your company and its core goal. There are three types of websites you can build, and the final price to create each of them will be different as well. 

  • eCommerce. These apps are usually the most expensive ones since they come with multi-level architecture, advanced features, and multiple integrations. Designing an eCommerce website can also be challenging since you have to align the user’s journey with UI/UX and the company’s branding. 
  • Professional. A professionally developed website for other industries is likely to cost less compared to an eCommerce platform. However, this rule also has exceptions – for example, professional healthcare solutions will still be more expensive. 
  • Simple. Simple websites are easy and budget-friendly to build. On average, they cost up to $5000. 

Different Ways to Build Digital Presence for a Small Business

According to the Website Design and User Engagement research, “Different industries have different objectives in designing websites. For example, online businesses and marketers seek to design websites that optimize brand loyalty, purchase, and profit. Healthcare providers are more likely to prioritize privacy/confidentiality.” 

That’s why the ways to build custom healthcare software and eCommerce websites, for example, will be crucially different. Below are the most popular strategies to design a website tailored to the use case and business goal. 

  • Drag-and-drop online builders. Simple websites like freelance portfolios or landing pages for local businesses can be created using drag-and-drop platforms, for example, Tilda or Wix. The cost to create a website in this case will be $100-300, depending on the chosen platform, the number of integrations, the level of theme customization, and domain/hosting costs. 
  • WordPress development. This is a more expensive option compared to the previous one, however, the website created with WP will have a more professional and well-designed look. WordPress is suitable for any industry, and with this platform, you can create a website either on your own or with the help of professional developers. The final cost, in this case, is $500-$5000 depending on the website specifics. 
  • Low to no-code platforms. As one more option, you can consider no and low-code platforms. They work like online builders but come with more advanced features, pre-developed user journeys, and more flexible design themes. In this case, you may need professional tech support, however, the whole development process is likely to be seamless and fast. 
  • Custom development. This is the most expensive way to build a website which is often chosen by the companies prioritizing the highest-end user experience, unique functionality, and highly branded design. The cost to create a custom web app from scratch may reach $50,000 depending on the industry and the complexity of the features. 

What’s The Most Cost-Effective Way to Hire a Team

The final price also depends on the way to hire a design and development team. While you can create your website on your own with the help of an online builder, WordPress development, the use of low-code platforms, and custom website building require professional help. 

  • Gather an in-house team. Hiring an in-house team is the most expensive option, which isn’t suitable for small companies which need to create a single and simple website. 
  • Hire a freelance designer. This is a most reasonable option for a small business since you can get in touch with a professional designer pretty quickly, validate their experience, read the reviews of the previous customers and agree on the price for the services. 
  • Outsource your project development. Getting in touch with a development vendor is also a feasible strategy for small businesses, especially if the cost to develop a website with local specialists is higher compared to the hourly rates of remote developers. In this case, you can save up to 60% of the development budget. 


The price gap to develop a website is pretty deep and multiple-factors dependent. While the simplest website created on your own will cost nearly $100-200, the price for a more sophisticated solution can reach several thousand dollars, depending on the business specifics, the tools and frameworks used, the complexity of the features, and the location of your tech team. 


  • Which website is good for a small business?

A website that’s perfectly tailored to the business goal is good for the companies, regardless of their size. The cost and time to create it will also be different, depending on the project specifics. For example, a freelance business can be well-promoted with a simple landing page, while a retail company needs a more advanced website with complex features. 

  • What is the main reason for a small business to use a website?

The main reason to use a website for a small business is to get an additional sales channel. This is especially relevant for small businesses operating locally since more than half of Google searches are searches for local products and services. 

  • What are the 3 types of websites for small businesses?

There are several classifications of websites suitable for a small business. For example, it is possible to divide them into simple and professional solutions. There are also eCommerce websites as a separate category which are one of the most difficult and expensive to build. 

  • Does it cost money to make a website for a small business?

Yes, it costs but the price gap is pretty deep. With the help of an online builder, you can create a website even with $100 in your pocket, while custom development may cost a fortune. 

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Mobile development trends 2022: Act today to be on top tomorrow https://www.opensourcerails.com/mobile-development-trends-2022-act-today-to-be-on-top-tomorrow/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/mobile-development-trends-2022-act-today-to-be-on-top-tomorrow/#respond Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:08:10 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=116 Mobile development is evolving so fast that it is difficult to keep up with all the innovations. But to stay on top, you need to focus on the trends, techniques and approaches that are gaining momentum. In this article, we’ll cover the fundamentals of fast-paced business and point out the trends you need to follow […]

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Mobile development is evolving so fast that it is difficult to keep up with all the innovations. But to stay on top, you need to focus on the trends, techniques and approaches that are gaining momentum. In this article, we’ll cover the fundamentals of fast-paced business and point out the trends you need to follow to stay ahead of the competition. 

In this article, we’ve split the trends into two categories: 

  • long-term trends, which are for the IT giants and mass audiences,
  • short-term trends, which started at the end of 2021 and will continue into 2022.

Let’s start with the last one.

Mobile development short-term trends

Mobile commerce

Trend that dominated in 2018, 2019 and continued to grow in 2020. The number of companies in the marketplace that are using mobile apps to increase revenues is skyrocketing. 

The coronavirus pandemic has raised the demand for these apps to incredible proportions. Every one of us has made a purchase through a mobile app at least once. Today, the mobile app is the key to staying competitive in the marketplace.

Mobile traffic is only growing and so is the number of users. Which means having a mobile app for a business is tantamount to increased profits. Definitely, this may not be relevant for everyone. We recommend doing a feasibility study first.

Mobile wallets

Payment by mobile is evolving too. The growth of Apple Pay, Google Pay and Samsung Pay confirms this. Incidentally, the pandemic has had a significant impact on the growth of contactless payment. The integration of mobile wallets into apps is slowly becoming a standard feature. Creating a comfortable payment method for its users – will significantly increase sales.

Mobile applications for in-house use

Companies create internal applications to realize such goals:

  • automation of business processes (logistics, internal and external communication and informatization, simplification of document management, management and other work processes);
  • speeding up work, while maintaining or improving the quality of its performance, and creating convenience for staff (e.g., the use of file sharing, and other software).

Such applications increase stability, minimize operational errors and improve productivity. This solution is especially relevant for fast-growing companies.

Motion design

Motion design elements in mobile interfaces continue to show rapid growth. Companies use the following techniques to interactively engage users with web services:

  • 3D elements;
  • complex visual effects;
  • background animations;
  • animation of logos;
  • smooth transitions.

Graphic design is still being done in a minimalist way, using new techniques. Among the trends are: 

  • kinetic typography;
  • thin lines;
  • text fragmentation;
  • morphing;
  • isometric design;
  • gradients.

Such elements will not only create a unique style and improve behavioral factors, but also increase the rating of the mobile app. And working out the app with motion design will help improve the UI/UX for users. The following techniques are used:

  • an animated walk-through of the app, demonstrating a sequence of steps;
  • memorable animations are great for reacting to user actions; 
  • demonstration of the relationship between the different components of the app. 

Augmented reality (AR)

AR technology is used in various fields, including smartphones. But in order to create a quality mobile application with this technology, it is extremely important to define the goals and work out the content. It is better to entrust such actions to experienced IT-specialists, who will offer non-standard solutions.

Long-term trends in mobile development

Voice search

The era of voice search is here. Don’t you believe it? Ask Siri (if you own an iPhone) or Google Assistant (for Android phones). Smart speakers with artificial intelligence are increasingly appearing in users’ homes and this only confirms our assertion. Why is this so?

  • Ease of use
  • Accessibility.

iBeacon service

The iBeacon is a beacon device with Bluetooth Low Energy technology. When a customer with an iPhone (iOS) or Android approaches this device, a notification is displayed on their smartphone screen or a mobile app is launched.

The main advantage of beacon technology is contactless marketing. Ultimately, it improves the customer experience in the mobile app.

Beacons can track customer behavior in the store – iBeacon tags continuously emit a Bluetooth radio signal. In turn, smartphones pick up this signal and determine the location. Thus, it is possible to find out how much time the user spends in a certain part of the store. In addition, the app can initiate push notifications to encourage the customer to make a purchase. Passing by the beacon he will instantly receive a notification on his phone about a special offer in the store.

Blockchain for cybersecurity

This technology creates a decentralized database. This means that it is more difficult for hackers, because the information is stored in different places. This feature will be most relevant for web services of financial and medical institutions.

Artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning

Machine learning can help you facilitate communication with users and make a personal connection with the customer, meeting their needs accurately and quickly, leading to greater audience engagement and higher conversions. For example, marketers can leverage data by delving into user behaviour, creating dynamic content and providing personalisation at scale. This can increase the effectiveness of advertising campaigns, targeting shoppers based on their location, providing them with relevant content across all channels, linking their offline purchases to their online behaviour.

Creating a SuperApp

SuperApps are mobile apps with an “ecosystem” of several services. They are multifunctional: You can order food, call a cab, book a hotel, and even arrange insurance in one app. Such apps have come to us from Asia. In the East, such large companies as WeChat, Gojek, and GrabTaxi have already conquered the market. Today, users are increasingly opting for super-apps, because they make it as easy as possible to get services from various areas without having to download additional apps to their smartphone.


Based on the above, a mobile app is not a stand-alone, self-contained channel for customer interaction. But this sales tool, like others, needs to be designed separately and integrated into a company’s overall development strategy. The use of current trends and developments will take apps to the next level. And this, in turn, will increase the promotion of the company and the brand’s products and services.

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Mobile apps as a method to increase the popularity of the casinos not on GamStop https://www.opensourcerails.com/mobile-apps-as-a-method-to-increase-the-popularity-of-the-casinos-not-on-gamstop/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/mobile-apps-as-a-method-to-increase-the-popularity-of-the-casinos-not-on-gamstop/#respond Fri, 21 Jan 2022 09:05:48 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=112 According to statistics, the year 2021 has shown another increase in the use of mobile for online activities: from communication in social networks to the purchase of various kinds of goods. Trends now are such that most companies simply have to develop their own mobile applications to improve customer convenience. This trend affects an incredible […]

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According to statistics, the year 2021 has shown another increase in the use of mobile for online activities: from communication in social networks to the purchase of various kinds of goods. Trends now are such that most companies simply have to develop their own mobile applications to improve customer convenience. This trend affects an incredible number of niches. Even businesses that provide services online, like online casinos.

The ease of use of mobile apps for online activities has led to a significant increase in the volume of their use. And the 2020-2021 quarantine restrictions have only reinforced the need for app development for customer retention. In our article, we’ll look at the example of online casinos to see how mobile apps increase brand awareness.

Advantages of playing slot machines on mobile

Let’s look at why users are increasingly choosing mobile apps to access casinos without GamStop. We have analysed a large number of gambling sites not registered with GamStop which we found via NoUkCasino.com and the usual web searches.

  1. The most important advantage of playing on a mobile is convenience – you can play anywhere: at home on the sofa, in the airport waiting room, sitting in a cafe, on your lunch break at work and anywhere else where you have access to the web. A game is always at your fingertips because in today’s world it’s hard to imagine your day without your favorite gadget. 
  2. A second important factor for every user is security. Going home with a big cash win can be extremely risky. Playing from your mobile phone at home, on the other hand, the player is protected and can just enjoy the game without any worries.
  3. The third significant factor is the variety of entertainment in one app. In the past, poker rooms were used to play poker, casinos were used to play slots, bingo halls were used to play bingo, and sportsbooks were used to bet on sports. Now it’s all possible in one app, without having to spend time on the road and physically being there. Plus, there’s no need to adjust for time, online casinos not on GamStop are available 24/7.
  4. Another strong argument for choosing a mobile gambling app is the convenience of making a deposit. We are not referring to the variety of payment methods, but directly to the procedure for transferring funds. In addition, many UK casinos not on GamStop offer players to pay using Google Pay or Apple Pay. This makes this procedure as comfortable as possible for the player.

Of course, the benefits of playing at GamStop-free casinos via mobile apps don’t end there. But we’ve highlighted the key ones. It is these benefits that have taken the mobile casino industry to a new level of development and popularity.

Main mobile platforms

Nowadays, the most common mobile platforms are:

  • Android;
  • iOS;
  • Windows;
  • BlackBerry.

Windows is a relatively young mobile platform and BlackBerry business devices have switched from proprietary software to Android. And by doing so, they have only increased the number of users of this operating system.

It is worth noting that the number of Android users exceeds iOS. This is probably the reason why the preponderance of gambling sites not on GamStop offer their users applications for Android-based gadgets. 

It was on these devices that the first slot machines were imported. The system supports games created with HTML 5 and flash drives. Many of the non-GamStop casinos we studied provide links to the applications on their site pages. Free versions of slot machines for Android handheld gadgets are also available.

Windows for smartphones appeared in 2010 and became the official software provider for Nokia gadgets. The platform was developed on the basis of a similar OS for personal computers. This made it easier to port slot machines developed for PCs to mobile devices. But to date, the popularity of this mobile platform is still very low. Therefore, online casino management is not yet particularly focused on developing mobile applications for Windows-based gadgets.

The bottom line

The spread of slot machines to mobile devices is a logical process. With the development of telephones and the advent of tablets with access to the global network, gambling software developers have created an additional sector for the popularisation of slots. This has increased the usability and accessibility of mobile slots.

According to statistics, over 50% of internet users among smartphone owners play slots and run other gambling games. Given the trends in the mobile gambling market, this percentage will have a steady increase. This means that gambling business owners should not just think about developing an appropriate mobile app, but did it already yesterday!

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Writing Effective Selling Text https://www.opensourcerails.com/writing-effective-selling-text/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/writing-effective-selling-text/#respond Tue, 07 Sep 2021 08:14:48 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=104 Marketing is an essential in any business as it helps in getting the people buy from you. People tend to forget that the purpose of marketing is not to get products selling. It actually aims at having buyers think of you when they need to buy. Selling texts are very good marketing tools. They are […]

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Marketing is an essential in any business as it helps in getting the people buy from you. People tend to forget that the purpose of marketing is not to get products selling. It actually aims at having buyers think of you when they need to buy.

Selling texts are very good marketing tools. They are attractive and will make the buyers make quick decisions. A challenge comes when the company writes the selling texts but have some missing links and gaps.

Such texts do not attract customers. In fact, they tend to leave them with more answers than questions. Our job today is to show you how you will write an effective selling text. An effective selling text is one that will deliver information to the client and let them make quick decisions.

Writing an effective selling text

Below is a guide about how you will do the text. You will also know the parts that make the text effective and have a firm selling point.

Understand the target

The first thing you need to do is to understand the target. You have to know the exact person you want the product to reach. A clear target is essential as it will help you to know the kind of language to use and the things that fit the target audience.

The target comes with the nature of the product. You need to know how to use the product and then know the people who use the same product. Such understanding will help you to shoot the target and bring it to your space.

Assess the product

Now you have to assess the product and see how it matches the target. Some of the things that you need to take note of is the product description. You will match it with the target and the customer needs and then bring them together.

You will end up having the words that you will use to describe the product to attract the customer. When you hit the target and address their specific worries and then bring the solution out. You will not achieve this mission if you don’t use the information you gather about the final consumer.

Get the content to write

After matching the user needs and the product solutions, you need to have a clear guide about how you will manage the mission. Now you have to choose the best words that will attract the customers. We will call this creation of the selling point

The content you get must have clarity and be very interesting to read. You can highlight the features that the product has with an intention of having it on the text. The description you do about the product on the other hand must not be scary to read but address the solution that the buyer wants to have.

Get the writing tone

You need to understand that a selling text has to stand out from the rest. You can never sell if your text is just boring. It has to touch the specific needs of the buyer. Add some personality and humor on the writeup so that the readers enjoy going through it.

The language you use must reach the target audience. Each reader must get the text according to the language that they keep using. You need to be specific about the kind of words you will use and how they will make the buyer choose to get your product.

A friendly tone is the best to use for marketing. Even before you get to convincing the buyer to get your product, you must make them decide that what you have is the exact thing they need.

Do the text

After designing the text and the kind of words you will use, you now proceed to write the text. You must ensure that you have chosen the words that fit the text and make it sweet. Your readers must be able to scan the facts and the specific points easily.

You need to know the best format that readers will have comfort with. The best way to do so is by ensuring that you do various subheadings. Each reader will go straight to the specific subheading that covers the area that they feel they need. For instance, some readers will want to compare products before they buy.

You need to ensure that you have a section that compares the products with the others. Another section that needs to be clear are the features. The buyer should scan through the features quickly and then go to the merits and demerits before making the final decision.

Edit the text

It is an offence to have very good text but with major or minor errors in it. You need to ensure that you have gone through the text comprehensively so that you can get the errors in it. Make the necessary corrections and check on the grammar.

It is helpful because the reader will have confidence with your selling text because of accuracy. Checking on the facts and figures is a good strategy as the buyer will easily scan through the specific things they need to address. In general, the readability of the text and the ability to pick the various facts must be very easy.

Do the formatting

You have not completed writing the selling text until you do the formatting. You must ensure that your content can give an independent understanding. Make sure that you have used the proper format that will enhance the flow of the content.

The sections must have a lot of clarity and differentiation. You must understand where a certain topic or subtopic starts and ends. Related topics must have the same design on the headings. You must easily choose the content you want to go through without wasting time.

Include the prices

It is useless to write about a product in a selling text and then fail to include the prices. You must ensure that you have quoted the prices clearly so that the buyers can single out the product and buy.

If you are selling one that is in a website, you need to ensure that you create a link to the website and specifically to the product you have written about. Make sure that the product is ever available for the customers who want to buy it. It is not proper that the buyer has to start looking for you to get the product in the selling text.


Selling texts are very effective when it comes to selling and marketing products. They work best when you choose to have a good selling text. It must also be effective so that it conveys the content and capture the buyers.

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Big Data & Analytics https://www.opensourcerails.com/big-data-analytics/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/big-data-analytics/#respond Tue, 25 May 2021 10:18:53 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=63 Big data is the centerpiece for digital business transformation—making customer interactions more impactful, answering critical business questions, and highlighting areas for cost efficiency and growth.

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Big data is the centerpiece for digital business transformation—making customer interactions more impactful, answering critical business questions, and highlighting areas for cost efficiency and growth.

To kickstart this process, we probe key questions like: What are the desired business outcomes and challenges we need to solve? What data is currently available? Is it structured or unstructured? What types of data should be collected? What is the best use of this data? What technology will enable us to use this data to support and extend the enterprise?

Enterprise data platform is the foundation for building a trusted environment and gaining deeper business insights. It entails a set of integrated data repositories, data processing, and consumption solutions: ingestion framework, Data Lake, ETL layers, Data Warehouse and Data Marts, as well as BI and analytics tools. Build a scalable data platform and effective data insight ecosystem to uncover new business opportunities and facilitate cross-functional decisions.

Increase employee and business productivity by reducing manual data processing work
Establish a comprehensive view across all business segments by managing consolidated and trusted data in one location
Leverage data to construct a 360-degree view of customers and create highly personalized and relevant experiences
Access and analyze information quickly and effectively to understand and evaluate risks

Without an effective data strategy and vigilant governance, data will never realize its full potential—nor meet the myriad of expectations from various stakeholders. Establish a consolidated and centralized data repository for effective decision-making and deliver competitive value to stakeholders at pace through strategic analytics road mapping.

Outline the overall strategy for your business’ data from defining business challenges to designing a technical solution
Democratize data, ensure its quality, and accelerate data initiatives across the company
Strategically enable applied data to answer pressing business concerns
Build transparency and trust within the business and between partners
Generate new revenue streams and capabilities across the organization

Big data is the centerpiece for digital business transformation—making customer interaction more impactful and answering critical business questions, highlighting areas for cost efficiency and opportunities for growth. Harness the power of big data.

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Test Strategy Development and Planning https://www.opensourcerails.com/test-strategy-development-and-planning/ https://www.opensourcerails.com/test-strategy-development-and-planning/#respond Sun, 14 Feb 2021 09:41:03 +0000 https://www.opensourcerails.com/?p=38 A good strategy avoids chaotic or redundant test routines. Timely quality control of all system components is the result of carefully planned timing in the testing strategy for each stage of software quality assurance.

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A good strategy avoids chaotic or redundant test routines. Timely quality control of all system components is the result of carefully planned timing in the testing strategy for each stage of software quality assurance. This helps you optimize your effort and reduce unplanned costs.

At the initial stage of the project, an initial assessment of the timing is carried out and a work plan is developed with reference to the stages of development and release of releases. A set of tests of different types and their sequence is selected, labor costs for each stage are estimated. The plan includes:

  • choice of methodology and tools;
  • determination of goals and duration of each stage;
  • scope of work: coverage and types of testing used;
  • labor planning and structure of the project team;
  • development of test documentation and reporting.

We cover all stages of high-quality software development from the formulation of requirements and the final release to the implementation of the software solution and its operation. We pay great attention to testing quality management, assessing the quality and effectiveness of testing at all stages of development and operation in accordance with the international standard ISO 9126 and GOST R 51904-2002.

Stages of the full testing cycle

A complete testing cycle usually coincides with a development iteration or corresponds to a specific part of it. The approach to verifying the health of a software product is similar to evaluating a product from an end user, so it is worth involving a specialist in the work at the earliest stage – during the collection and analysis of requirements. It is ideal when the discussion of system components takes place with the participation of the developer, user and QA analyst.

Defining testing goals
Selecting the fragments to be tested and formulating the testing tasks
Verifying the testing method
Setting up test environments and tools and executing individual tests
We confirm the correctness of the assembly
We conduct preliminary tests for the content of obvious errors
We develop the necessary tests and perform them in manual or automatic mode
Evaluating the results
We determine the criteria for the completion and success of testing
Improving test suites
We describe and save tests, environment settings and tools for subsequent cycles

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